“Mere Pyaare Baanke Bihari” is a devotional song dedicated to Lord Krishna, composed by Sanatana Sankirtan. The song expresses the devotee’s deep love and devotion for Lord Krishna, specifically in the form of Banke Bihari, who is worshipped in the Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan, India.
The lyrics of the song convey the devotee’s desire to be completely devoted to Lord Krishna and to merge with him completely. The devotee sees Lord Krishna as the ultimate power and source of all strength, and believes that everything Lord Krishna does is for the good.
Mere Pyaare Banke Bihari song also highlights the importance of darshan, or the act of seeing and being in the presence of the deity. The devotee longs to see Banke Bihari and leave behind all worries and troubles at his doorstep.